Ayodhyagarh, Rakhalgeria, Paschimpathri, Gholgharia Village Units : Last Month

Over the last month, Ayodhyagarh Village Unit (UNIT 2) arranged for and carried out the collection and distribution of books and cloth for the children of the village school. Responsibilities were divided between collecting the materials for distribution, calling the students from their homes, identifying them by class and finally issuing the books. Children from classes 1 to 4 were covered. The volunteers of Rakhalgeria Village Unit (UNIT 3) took it upon themselves to try and impart some education to the school students beyond their mere school curriculum. They are trying to expose the children more and more to the world around them, and the kind of opportunities available if they pursue their education. They also introduced them to the concept of a computer and showed them some interesting things on the laptop screen, something most children there were seeing for the first time. Paschimpathri Village unit (UNIT 4) took a wonderful initiative to organ...