Beginning of New Academic Session

Advisory Committee Meeting of NSS, IIT Kharagpur was held today (08.7.2013), chaired by Prof. S. K. Som, Director, IIT Kharagpur. It was attended by Prof. A. N. Samanta, Dean, UGS, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. N. R. Mandal, Dean, SA, IIT Kharagpur; Mr. P. K. Patnaik, Youth Officer and Regional Head of NSS; Mr. N. Jana, Secretary, Midnapore Welfare Society and District Coordinator of "Save Child" movement, representatives from NSS faculty members and student volunteers. Annual report and audited account statements of last year was presented. Action plan for coming year was discussed with valuable inputs from advisory committee members. Mr. P. K. Patnaik, Youth Officer and Regional Head of NSS applauded how we put our work in public domain through website. The annual report of 2012-2013 is shared here ( download link or direct link ). The new academic session coincides with a change in leadership at NSS, IIT Kharagpur. Prof. Debasis Roy takes the responsibility of Program Coor...