Update from Porapara Village Unit

The update in brief with images are as received from student Group Leader of the Unit. The activities are spread over two days: Saturday and Sunday.Maths and spoken English is taught in first half of Saturday and Sunday while Computer Training is given in second half. There is also surprise visit done by selected Second Years to keep check on village Students’ regularity and effort. According to the feedback received from the students last semester, most of the village students enjoy Computer Training Sessions. Talks have been going on with various Energy Solutions related firms to provide subsidized Solar lights. Talked to Balaji Computers to buy secondhand Desktop in the price range Rs. 5,000/- to 8,000/-. Fund of Rs 4700/- is available till date. In this month, we have been successful to get Electricity in the class room. The following village students showed marked improvement in performance: Kunal Hembram, Rajesh Mandi, Bhim Hembra...