Annual Camp 2012 : Endnote
"I learnt a lot of things from the camp, I got to know that what village life is and I realized such a huge difference between my life and life of these people just a few kilometres away from the campus...and I really want to do something to improve the lifestyle of these villagers."
"The camp has taught me a lot of things. The most important of that is leadership. Also it has taught me not to make yourself feel intimidated how much big the problem is. Also it has taught me whatever we are or will be is totally depending the kind of job we do for the society. I understood that it was my society not anybody else. So I have to correct it."
"Before nss camp I was a bit dissatisfied with my life but after this I i realised that so many people are there who have nothing as compared to my life and from that day I have started appreciating even a small thing that I have. Another thing I learnt was to be independent and be united. I came to know that if we all together work hard then anything is possible."
"Like one of our Professor said that it is not before long that some of us will get into some form of administration. So, it is really important that we get a reality check and not just go by the cliched norms. So, this camp was an eye opener in that respect."
"I have learned many good things through this camp like getting opportunity to help others in a better way, and also learned better communication skills. Through this camp we have got an opportunity to explore the society, discover our relationship with it in a better way."
"The 7 day camp was a very good learning experience in itself.Though it was physically exhausting but it was mentally refreshing. It certainly enriched my life in its own small way. Interacting with the villagers and understanding their problems was a very unique experience and it introduced me to the reality of our country. It introduced me to 70% of India to which I was alienated so far. It introduced me to the fact that we in our rush to become the superpower were neglecting and crushing the dreams of the "OTHER INDIA". It introduced me to the fact that there are people in some corner of our country waiting for us to do something for them. It introduced me to the fact that for every morsel of food that we eat,a person goes hungry. Therefore it introduced me to another part of my being which I considered did not exist. It presented a mirror to me for introspection and peep deep into myself.
Lastly I made some very good friends that I'll cherish throughout my life.It taught me the essence of sharing and gaining happiness from small things in life. Who knew that sharing a mere meal of khichdi from the same plate would taste even better than a five course meal in a 7 star hotel!. All in all these 7 days would leave a distinct mark in my life and play a major role in shaping my future."
In the field 'any other comments', young IITians wrote like this:
"The most memorable and scintillating experience till now in our Kharagpur life."
"Initially I felt NSS was a waste of time, but after attending a week's camp I loved it thoroughly, enjoyed working with my batchmates. I did many things first time in my life and eventually felt good about it. So I was glad that I put my fullest effort into it."
"I myself am from a village and it was good to reconnect with my roots."
"I would like to say that one more camp should be held for second years but in a different location so that they get a chance to learn more about traditional India."
"Instead of making NSS camp compulsory for first years, I feel it would be more successful if students of all the years are allowed to join volunteerily in the camp. This idea can seem to be funny and there is all the possibility that it will fail I think atleast one time it can be tested experimentally."
The documentation team of each group were asked to submit a presentation on the final day of the camp briefly describing their journey till the penultimate day. Some of the video presentations are available in following links. There were powerpoint presentations too. : Group 4 : Group 6 : Group 8 : Group 9 : Group 11 : Group 14 : Group 15