Report from Rangametia and Porapara Village Units

In Rangametia and Porapara village units, the senior students (2nd year) had an additional responsibility this month. They had to introduce 1st year students to the village. In addition, they had to introduce the new faculty-in-charge, the new program officer :-) in respective places. Of course, past and present program officers are extending all help. The previous program officer of Rangametia village unit completed his three year term last session and is now associated with us as our resource person. The previous program officer of Porapara village unit has assumed greater responsibility to serve NSS, IIT Kharagpur as Program Coordinator. Both ably led the team to make a considerable in-road in respective villages. Each team won the mind and heart of villagers by their self-less service. The new session saw continuation of the good work there with new program officers leading from the front. Here are few pictures of activities of the month by these two units. Teaching assis...