Report from Gholgharia Village Unit

This is a short report on activities carried out last month by student members of Gholgharia village unit of NSS, IIT Kharagpur. This unit was declared best unit of the year two years back. Last year they missed the trophy by a whisker! Comes the new session, comes new members in the team. But the tradition to give the team's best for the community they serve, seems to continue. Tree plantation , van-mahotsav had been one of the most successful campaign of this unit. A big stretch of the primary school compound is already transformed by the NSS team. This year too, the campaign was very successful. Following this, a football tournament was organized where school students and local youth participated. Prizes were distributed in a function in the presence of village school teachers, NSS Program Officer and NSS Coordinator. Besides enjoying the monsoon spirit that fosters a spirit of friendship, the tournament helped villagers connect to NSS volunteers easily. The unit arranged ...