Report from Units at Sonamukhi and Ghagra

Unit 1 started its activity in Sonamukhi slum, not far from IIT Kharagpur campus. A young, dynamic Program Officer has taken charge of the unit this session and the team was on toes right from the start. The strong leadership of the previous program officer extended the reach of the unit in another slum named Telegu Basti. The earlier program officer now assists the program coordinator in central level coordination. In Sonamukhi, the work centres around two primary school - Hindi Bharati and Rishi Panchanan Bengali school. In Telegu Basti, the student volunteers provide their service to Ambedkar school.

The Ghagra village unit has continuation of leadership. In earlier sessions, the unit showed some novelty in their approach by publishing one small magazine that housed literary work of tribal students and in tribal language. They also restored village public place of worship besides other regular activities. This month, besides assisting in teaching, arranging drawing competition, the student volunteers performed Shraamdaan in construction activities at village public place.

 Figure 1: A volunteer assisting in Bengali school
