Extra Academic Activity (EAA) is an important component of UG curriculum at IIT Kharagpur with NSS, NCC, NSO under its fold.
Freshers' Orientation 2015
We extend hearty welcome to freshers' (UG 1st year students) who join NSS, IIT Kharagpur team in the new academic session! This post gives a glimpse of the orientation program conducted for new-comers yesterday forenoon at V2 Hall of Vikramshilla complex.
Program Coordinator of NSS sent invitation to all freshers the previous day and the program started at sharp 9 AM, as per the schedule. Program Coordinator in his welcome speech emphasized the importance of punctuality when the newly joined members among us take up service oriented activities in village and slums.
To begin with, the NSS Symbol, NSS motto and the very purpose of NSS was explained. It was noted that NSS program is to (i)give an extra dimension to higher education to orient youth towards community service, (ii)expose them to realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception, and (iii)sensitize them to the need of the masses so that they can accommodate them when they become policy makers.
With greater emphasis of purpose-driven research than passion-driven R & D, NSS provides our young bright students an early exposure to identify the need and problems of the community and, utilize knowledge acquired to find solutions to individual and community problems. It also develops ability to work in a team, leadership and other skills.
The discussion moved forward to possible activities that can be taken up in the 18 villages/ slums in 7 KM radius of IIT Kharagpur campus where NSS team have been working for long. Useful tips from experience gained from earlier batches were shared. Since the program is part of curricular activity, it was explained how the evaluation will be done. This blog http://nssiitkgp.blogspot.in and our youtube channel http://www,youtube.com/user/NSSIITKGP were referred to newcomers to go through so that they can appreciate the range of activities NSS, IIT Kharagpur is engaged in.
The discussion slides can be seen / downloaded from here (Link).
After the presentation of Program Coordinator, questions were taken from the audience and their queries were addressed. Next, program officers / senior students (group leader) of each of the 15 units were introduced to the new comers. The program ended at 10:15 AM when new members of respective units reported to individual units. Here are few pictures of this orientation program and a one hour video. (The video is full HD 1020p that can be displayed in large screen. However, for normal desktop viewing or lower net speed, 360p or Auto can be selected from settings.)