Annual Camp 2015: Day 6
Today's main attraction was nukkad performance of first 10 units. It is a form of street-play, but was played on stage to reach larger audience in the camp environment. There was also a performance by local community in local language. One youth from the village made English translation of the key messages of those performances, in his own way.
Earlier during the day, finishing touches to road-building work was done. Feedback of some of the units and villagers were taken. The young volunteers acknowledged that this camp was an eye opener in many a ways and it increased their commitment to be of service to the needy. They appreciated the warmth of the villagers, hospitality and help received. That the camp is coming to an end tomorrow, makes them feel sad. Also, they made many friends being in the camp, more than what they could have since joining IIT Kharagpur 4 months back. The villagers appreciated the dedication of the young students and were overwhelmed by the quality, passion of their work. Video and more photo will be added later.
