The special caste certificate camp to include the most backward in our neighbourhood continued from Rangametia (held on 18.3.2012 :
Link) to another tribal dominated village named Soladahar, comprising mostly of Lodha community, and was held on 01.4.2012 (SUN). The experience of Rangametia camp helped a lot. We were more organized this time. The preparation continued for three weeks. NSS volunteers made people aware, helped them in filling-up forms and finally making them available with original documents before the BDO office staffs on the camp day. The program officer from Rangametia unit helped Soladahar unit a lot and was present there the entire period. While in Rangametia we could arrange collection of 50 forms, the same was 142 here. We have another such camp at Rangametia on 14.4.2012. There was some confusion among villagers of another village who requested NSS team to be there in their village too to arrange such a camp.
We are happy to say that we received all sorts of help from BDO and SDO on administrative side, and Panchayet Member and Panchayet Pradhan from elected representatives in conducting these camps.
And finally the 3:30 PM lunch with Gopali Gram Panchayet Pradhan Mrs. Sushila Hansda, Community worker Mr. Dukhuram, BDO Office inspectors Mr. Ari and Mr. Pramanik, Program Officers of Rangametia (Prof. S. Hajra) and Soladahar Unit (Prof. V. Adyam) and three lead student volunteers.