NSS IIT Kharagpur Annual Function
The annual function of NSS, IIT Kharagpur was held on 31st March, 2012 at Kalidas Auditorium. This coincided with 'Save Earth Day'. We were inspired to have Director, IIT Kharagpur inaugurating the function and launching 'Save Energy' and 'Save Water' campaign of student volunteers of NSS, IIT Kharagpur. Dean, UGS encouraged all NSS volunteers and welcomed them to use every opportunity to serve the underprivileged. The student leaders from different units presented their year long activities. A cultural program followed in which our student volunteers and villagers participated. Certificate of recognition was issued to outstanding NSS volunteers completing their tenure and a trophy was handed over to best NSS Camp team by the student leader of the second best team.
NSS, IIT Kharagpur Newsletter, March 2012 edition (Link) was launched in this occasion. The Ghagra village unit came up with an initiative named 'Rangamati' (Link) that published the work of young kids, one Alchiki (of Santal tribe) article included.