Report from volunteers of Gholgharia village unit
This semester started with a new resolution and we hope to try to make some meaningful contributions to our village Gholghoria.
We started off with where we left semester, thus reviewing our planted sapling and student’s participation in maintaining it. Because it was a long duration gap (around 1 month), most of the saplings had dried up and on the verge of dying , though some had survived thanks to the efficient watering by the school students and staff.
We started our work by proper planning of new fenced covering of some fertilized soil areas for plantation of seasonal flowers and some small plants. Ideas were presented to the school staff, who modified them according to their capabilities and available conditions. Finally it was agreed upon to prepare the new fenced structure in front of the school premises slightly to the corner to facilitate proper watering and efficient maintenance. Seeing the school students encouraging efforts in maintaining the previous plants, we decided to further give them the opportunity of feeling possessive about their school, their surroundings by involving them in this process too.
We have planned and contacted the labourers for preparing the fencing by digging the soil and then well recycling it for plantation before protecting it from stray animals. They agreed upon this with less labour charge and work is now in progress and hopefully it would be ready soon. Moving on, the previously existing fence was again visited to see some plants had started growing to the minimum height after which they will self sustainably grow to become trees.We planted fresh 16 saplings in the school backyard and were encouraged to see school students watering them when we visited there. This shows they are getting acquainted with the new change that has been imbibed in their surroundings. The seasonal flowers those were planted during the winter break had also grown nicely to add to the beauty.
We hope to continue to the legacy so that the school students and slowly their parents and villagers became aware about the need, beauty and usefulness of preserving their environment.