Annual Blood Donation Camp 2017

NSS organized their Annual Blood Donation Camp of at the Old Badminton Court of Technology Students Gymkhana on March 18, 2017 in partnership with Kharagpur Voluntary Blood Donors Organization.  In the event 149 units of blood were collected by the Blood Bank of Bankura Sammilani Medical College Hospital.  The event would not have been possible without active help and participation of Technology Students Gymkhana – Professor Somesh Kumar, President, TSG and Mr Mandal and Sudheer, Sports Officers, TSG, in particular – and the Continuing Education Program of IIT Kharagpur.  Thanks are also due to the donors for their support in making the event a success.

Donors’ certificates can be picked up from SR Sengupta Foundation Engineering Laboratory, the building between the Biotechnology and Cryogenics buildings, on any weekdays between 9:00a and 5:30p.  Before dropping by please set up an appointment by calling 9775550857 or 9647182769.


