StudentSpeak : Part III
The following students were member of NSS, IIT Kharagpur central team. Their term ended in April, 2012 and a new student team has taken over. They were not assigned to any specific village / slum but traveled various units to cover MGNREGA awarness camp in one village to caste certificate camp in other or the 150th birth anniversary of Vivekananda in the third etc. Besides, they published NSS Newsletter, maintained NSS website and participated other central activities.
Imbesat Ahmed
During my first year as an NSS volunteer,
I was in the literacy group of Prof.P.Guha. I taught students of
Kendriya Vidyalaya of IIT campus for few days. Then I started a new
study center at Congress Office outside IIT campus. I and Ishan also
taught children of cleaning staffs of MMM Hall in my room.
During my frst year I was a part of literacy group of Prof.
P. Guha. I was involved in teaching students of Ambedkar club and Disha
Seema Centre initially and then moved to teaching children at the
Congress centre outside IIT campus where i taught children of mess
workers. Me and imbesat also taught children of cleaning staff of MMM
hall in our room. We also taught a student naed Imran for AIEEE in last
few weeks
Imbesat Ahmed

In my second year, my friend Ishan and I took an initiative of teaching
students of class 11 of local schools with the co-ordination
Prof.G.Saha. For the purpose we conducted a test and also selected 20
students. But unfortunately we could not take more than 4 classes
because of unavailability of proper venue. Currently I am a member of
NSS Central Team and my job is to write articles for the NSS Newsletter
and also conduct interviews of some of the featured groups. Being
inspired by the work of NSS, I have been conducting educational
workshops for school students in different cities of the country for the
last 1 year with Saif and Gyan. This summer I am organizing an
awareness drive in rural areas of Bihar and Jharkhand with the
co-ordination of respective governments and my team mate Saif and Ishan.
I have also designed various workshops on different needs and prospects
for creating awareness among students in about 10 cities of India. I
thank NSS to give me a platform to share my knowledge with others and I
hope to continue it.
Ishan Garg
the beginning of second year me and imbesat had prepared a two year
schedule to teach students for engineering entrance exams. We had
conducted a test and selected 20 students for the same(with the help of
Prof. Saha during last weeks of 1st year) but could continue more than 4
classes due to lack of proper venue. During the rest of my 2nd year I
have been a part of NSS central team and my job has been to write
articles for the NSS newsletter and cover events organised/facilitated
by NSS.
This summers I will be a part of awareness drive
organized with the help of respective govt. of Bihar and jharkhand for a
duration of 25 days. Saif and Imbesat will also be there. After that in
June i will be conducting medical camps in village near Bathinda,
Punjab my home town with the help of an NGO Seva Bharti which I am a
part of. This society organises medical camps for poor and also coducts
games and other awareness campaigns in rural areas of Punjab. During my
stay in NSS for past 2 years I have learnt a lot and I am happy to
contribute on my behalf for the betterment of the society.
Saif Khan
During my
first year, I was in Prof. N.D. Pradeep Singh’s group and the primary job of our
team was to teach students of class 1-4 in Kasturba School in Balrampur Village.
We taught the kids English, Maths, GK etc. and tried to be as interactive as
possible irrespective of the communication problem. In my second year, I was fortunate enough to be selected
in the NSS Central Team. Currently my job is to write editorials for the
Newsletter and also to conduct interviews of the best performing NSS groups for
the same. Our team is also involved in helping the Program Coordinator to the
best of our capability as and when he needs us in various activities. Being a
part of NSS, I not only realized the urgent need to do something meaningful for
our society but the experience also brought a better person out of me. I look
forward to continue my association with NSS in future.
Krishnakant Sijariya
During the first year, I was part of the NSS Group under Prof. S.S. Das.
Our main duty was to teach the kids of the Kashijora Primary School
where we closely monitored the progress of the students and made our best
efforts to promote their academic performance. During my second year, I
have been performing my duty of designing and editing the NSS, IIT
Khragpur Newsletter, "Anuraag" as a part of the NSS Central team.

Gyan Prakash
During my first year as an NSS volunteer, I was in the Prof.chandan
chakroborty group. I organised quiz comptition and drawing comptition in
gholgoria village. I was also part of a team which surveyed the
village gholgoria. in my 2nd year i was in the nss central team . I had
covered all the event as a Nss Photographer . I had collected all the
data from many villages , Soladhar, Talbagicha was few of them.
M Vivek Reddy
In my first year , I was part of Prof.Sudip Mishra's group. I was part
of a team which surveyed the village 'pariapara'. I have prepared a
presentation on health and hygiene to show to the students of primary
school. I was part of a team which conducted various competitions
.drawing etc., also we distributed sports material and stationary items
to the primary school students.. In my second year I have mainly
updated the NSS website, covered MGNREGA awarness camp at Soladahar village etc..